TitleJuyeong won an excellent post award at the 26th KSBNS conference !!2023-09-12 22:29Nameadmin 전주영 학생이 2023년 제 26회 KSBNS 학술대회에서 우수포스터상을 수상하였습니다. 축하합니다! https://seolaboratory.org/at-the-26th-ksbns-conference-juyeong-won-an-excellent-post-award/ ListReplyWrite Comment [0] CommentName(*)Password(*)Captcha Code(Enter the auto register prevention code)Content(*) Comment Write MorePrevJoonho and Hyein won the excellent post award at the 15th Annual Conference of KSND !!admin 2023-09-28-Juyeong won an excellent post award at the 26th KSBNS conference !!admin 2023-09-12Next이혜인 학생, 제 39회 한국노화학회 추계학술대회 신진과학자상 수상 및 발표admin 2022-12-18 Powered by MangBoard | 워드프레스 쇼핑몰 망보드